Sunday 19 October 2008

Dr Pepper

Some of my favourite drinks are Dr Pepper, Coke and Amaretto. If you add the last two together you get an alcoholic version of the first. This is excellent. But not when you have one after a lager and lime. It makes you feel sick the next day and not want to read about critical metaphor analysis. It doesn't stop you from having seconds when mushroom risotto's on the menu for dinner, though. But I'm not sure that anything could stop that.

Today the mim ate pancakes for breakfast and dinner. I ate some for lunch. I never have pancakes, but the one time I do have them I'm having them after she eats them for breakfast and before she has another load for dinner. If my Dr Pepper exploits weren't making me feel so terrible I might be able to work out whether we were eating them at the time, seeing as she is 10 hours ahead.

I am pumped on the following few things:
Francis Bacon's Head VI
Driving on Tuestag
Getting a copy of The Onion
Mushroom risotto

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahah...well I was eating them at around 2:00pm so I dont think you would have been up at five may have been eating them around 10am? I almost had them for dinner again tonight but I had wedges instead from a place called Alphabet cafe where I found a leaflet about working in a buddhist commune for free but you get all your meals and accommodation paid for. It sounds wonderfully cult like.